Tag Archive for: Empowered Action

Values by definition:

  • The regard something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
  • A person’s principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgment of what is important in life.

The things we hold as “valuable” in our lives are the things that mean the most to us. D’uh! As humans, our Core Values are the Guiding Light or the North Star by which we navigate through the twists and turns of life. What we value becomes the way we make decisions, in all areas of our lives.

But, if we aren’t clear on what we value most in life, we aren’t connected to what is important to us, and we aren’t aligned to what feels like the truth for us as individuals. This can cause issues such as confusion as to what we actually want for ourselves, an inability to make decisions for ourselves, the habit of making hasty decisions without thought or intention, or to look outside of ourselves for the answers of what to do. Life happens, and somewhere along the way, our Guiding Light dims, the North Star is nowhere to be found, and we feel lost and disconnected. In other words, we feel STUCK.

One of the first things I do with my 1:1 Coaching Clients is to help them to get crystal clear on their core values. When what we value most in life is clear, from there we can begin to create the vision of what we would like our life to look and feel like, every single day.

The power of change comes from the clarity of what we value most, followed then by the courage to act towards your vision of the life you dream of + deserve. From courage comes the commitment to yourself to keep acting, in small consistent steps forward. The 4 C’s of change require heaps of vulnerability and allowing yourself to get real, raw and honest about what you want in your life. And this begins with aligning with your values.

Freedom Finder

My core value is FREEDOM. In order for me to find MY freedom, I first needed to establish that freedom is, in fact, what I value most in life. From there I had to get clear on what it looked like in all areas of my life. What freedom means to me in my Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, Spirituality, Creativity and Leisure time will be so different from what it might mean for you.

We’re talking about OUR OWN lives here, not someone else’s. Finding out what you value the most and then defining what that looks and feels like for YOU in all areas, is the foundation of creating the vision of a life fulfilled.

In this space, you can then begin to make all of your decisions based on your values, which makes it so much easier. If you ask yourself the question, “does this feel like (Your Values)”, when faced with a decision in any area of your life, you will immediately know the answer. Your intuition will tell you if it’s a “Hell Yes!” or a “No”. But without the clarity of what you value and what that looks like for YOU, the answers aren’t as easy to come by, so you need to start looking outside of yourself for them. Nobody knows what is best for you better than YOU!

My wish is to empower you to get clear on your values and align with the vision of the life you dream of, and then to move confidently in the direction of your dreams. To make this super easy for you, I’ve created a cool tool for you to easily discover what your core values are, and then to begin creating the vision of the life you want. Click here for your free Values Assessment Worksheet and stop dreaming of the life you want and start living it!

love + freedom,

Shari xo

Those are BIG words: ‘Start Again.’ They can evoke a sense of failure or of wrong-doing. Of falling off the wagon of ‘Life-ing.’ But I am here to change ALL of those feelings for you. You see, for me, a true ‘Start-Againer,’ those words never carry a low-vibe feeling. In fact, they excite me to no end! Starting Again means you get a chance to do something new + awesome. Or something better than what you might have done before. The sentiment has a freshness to it that sings to my soul + my biggest wish for all of you, My Healing Dreamers, is to FEEL into the words Start Again + to believe that nothing but amazingness can come from a fresh start.

September has always been my favourite Start Again time. I LOVE the New Year, but there’s something about the ease + flow of summer’s end that inspires us to get off our butts, get organized, get back into routine + get sh*t done. As an entrepreneur it’s that golden opportunity to set some serious BIZ goals + finish the year strong. As a human being, it’s that golden opportunity to set some serious LIFE goals + commit to yourself. Deciding to Start Again, in any area of your life is an opportunity to see the possibilities for something new, something different, something better + to CHOOSE to go there. And, yeahhhh Girl to START AGAIN!

The Queen of Start Again

I am known as The Queen of Fresh Starts, do-overs, jump-in-with-both-feet-before-I’m-ready life changes. It’s kinda my thang + it can be yours too. If you open yourself up to it + surrender to the process of adopting The Beginner’s Mind in all you do. When you think about it, our entire lives are a series of Start Agains. We learn to crawl, then we start again when it’s time to walk. We go through grade school making our way to the top in grade eight + then we start again at the bottom in our first year of high school. I’m sure you can see where I am going with this, but I want to nail it down for you so you can see just how many times you’ve actually started again and survived.

Maybe you went to college, beginning as a freshman, scared as hell + in a few years you graduated with confidence + got a job + had to start again at entry level. You were single + then got married. You were childless + then had a baby. You got fired + had to hit the pavement to find a new job. You ended a bad relationship + started a new life of independence. You went back to school as an adult after being in the workforce + had to readjust to a new schedule. You lost someone you loved dearly + had to keep on living without them. You cut off all your hair + then decided to grow it back out. You moved to a new city/country + had to figure out the groove of your new community. You had a full house + are now an empty nester. You quit the job you’ve had forever + now what?

Let’s say it together: you START AGAIN!!!

You Have, You Can + You Will Again

We’ve all started again so many more times in our lives than we can count, so why do we tell ourselves it’s too hard THIS TIME? Why do we let the narrative in our heads tell us we aren’t brave enough, or courageous enough, or daring enough to do it again when it really counts? As a Holistic Lifestyle + Mindset Coach, my work is all about empowering women to believe that they can begin a new chapter in their lives. No matter who they are + where they are in their lives. My goal is to pull out of them the belief that they can start over. Because they have done it before, they can + they will Start Over again. But this time it will be more out of inspiration than obligation. I want that for you too!

Here Are Five Ways to Shift Into a Start Again Vibe:

  1. Cut out something in your diet that isn’t making you feel your best.
  2. Make each day a Gratitude Sandwich by giving gratitudes upon waking + right before bed
  3. Get outside + move for at least 30 minutes a day.
  4. Limit your time on Social Media to 1 hour in the am + 1 hour in the pm only.
  5. Find something that you love doing but stopped for some reason + START AGAIN!

With light, love + empowered action always,

Shari xo

My school teachers all said I was a very good student, but my report cards always said I daydreamed too much. For years I was conditioned to view daydreaming as “bad.”  I still did it, daily. How could I NOT?!  It was + always will be part of my heart, my soul, my entire being. I know that sounds dramatic, but daydreaming truly is part of my identity. It’s who I am. And thankfully, now, it’s a part of me that I embrace + I am proud of + that stretches me to take action in the name of my dreams.

Dreaming is Believing

I decided a very long time ago, that I would re-write that old, self-limiting story that “Daydreaming is bad for me.” I replaced it with a new, more EMPOWERING story where DAYDREAMING is the superhero in my life. It is the catalyst + fuel I need in order to BELIEVE I can make all my dreams come true. Daydreaming has become my partner-in-crime. My BFF. My Soul Mate. And because of my trusty friend The Daydream, here I am, at age 45, co-creating a life I could only imagine, well—you got it—dream of!

As a Solo-Preneur, I get to decide what that life looks like FOR myself, BY myself + on MY OWN terms. Since I’m right smack dab in the middle of the scary-but-exhilarating process of creating my DREAM LIFE + BELIEVING I can have it all + deserve it all, I thought I’d share a little of what that means. My hope is to inspire you to give yourself permission to dream a little dream + believe it’s possible for you. Then you can take action + see what unfolds for you.

I am not + never truly am, detached from my business. It’s who I am. Staying connected to my work feels right, and yet I align my days to reflect my core values, beliefs + dreams. One of these dreams was a life + career that would be location independent. I always knew I wanted to be able to work from the backyard in my hammock, from my boat, or from the beach. I daydreamed this life a long time ago + now it’s mine to live. In Real Life, Folks! I am no different from any of you, but I DID decide that being a Daydream Believer is going to help me, not hinder me. And I BELIEVE you can create your dream life too. All it takes is a little ol’ daydream.


When you consistently BELIEVE in yourself + in your dreams, and you commit HARD to this belief, you can BE, DO + HAVE anything your heart desires. This, My Friends, is a conviction I live, thrive + will eventually die by. I build my beliefs upon my daydreams because I KNOW + TRUST that it’s the way to get my brain to figure out the “hows”  + to attract the people, things + opportunities necessary to make it all happen. Then I take MASSIVE ACTION, fear + all!  I try a bunch of different things until I land on what works. As Pema Chodron says, “Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth”. The TRUTH here, friends, is YOUR DREAMS MATTER.  Dreams + Belief + commitment + action = success. Wash, rinse + repeat as new daydreams arise.

My wish is to inspire you to dream big + believe + commit + act + grow + evolve +  LIVE YOUR DREAMS. Follow my journey + as I grow, you will too. We’ll be DAYDREAM BELIEVERS together as Tribe-Mates. I got your back, Dreamer.

Daydream Believers Tribe - Holistic Life Coach - Heal with Shari - Shari Miller - Keswick, Aurora, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Start Dreaming

I invite you to begin now with this challenge:

  • DAYDREAM daily about what you’d like your future to look like + BELIEVE it can be yours + commit HARD to that belief.
  • Allow your mind to DREAM up ways to make it happen.
  • Step into that Future Life as though it’s happened already.
  • Feel it. Practice it. Love it. Live it.

My grade school teachers said I daydreamed too much, well I call bullsh*t on that, because my daydreams have led me to set goals + to believe in them and in myself + to commit so hard that success has been inevitable. I want this for you too.

Join my Daydream Believers Tribe on Facebook I invite you to join the conversation. You can connect via FacebookInstagram, or leave a comment right here on the blog.

With light, love + empowered action always,

Shari xo