Tag Archive for: life changes

I have always had a reflective practice. It has helped me connect, align (my guiding word for 2020) and grow forward, in both my business and in my life. 

It began when I was little; I was always the deep thinker, the seeker, the sensitive one who always looked further than what was in front of her. I found it has helped me to see what worked, what didn’t work, and what could be changed. It allowed me to reframe my perspective and improve, which lead me to living a magical life of freedom. 

In my healing journey, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my life. The funny thing about having space for yourself in life is that you are almost forced to reflect.  It happens naturally within that sacred space, and that my dreamers, is where the magic happens. 

I get it. Some of you are thinking to yourself, “but how can I create space in my already full and busy life? It’s impossible. I just can’t right now. Maybe down the road when the kids are grown, the bills are paid, blah, blah, blah.” Nope. Sorry, not sorry, but that’s not how it works. That’s not how big magic is created.

Creating Space

Creating space for yourself in your life to think, to breathe, to reflect, to feel and to HEAL must be intentional and deliberate for it to empower you. It’s not always perfect timing and it doesn’t always feel safe and comfortable. Creating space can be downright scary! But let me tell you something; when space is needed in your life, it doesn’t ask permission. It comes barging in, in the form of resistance, illness, “stuckness”, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, feelings of “lostness” and disconnection, compensatory strategies (emotional eating, anyone?), the list goes on. It forces its way in until you have no choice but to do something about it.  Sound familiar? 

Making the brave and bold move to create space in your life, to slow down and to simplify things so you can get clear about what you actually want, need and wish to create, is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. I know because I’ve done it. Many times. Sometimes by choice; sometimes by force, but when I’ve allowed space to partner with me in this deliberate and intentional way, ALWAYS, yes, ALWAYS, my eyes were opened to what my heart and soul had been crying for. Then, and only then, have I been able to see the magic, make the magic, be the magic that creates a life aligned and fulfilled. A life of Freedom. 

Big Magic

2019 forced me to create space. I was grieving the loss of my parents, I was sick, tired, sad and lost. Not exactly the ingredient to make magic, right? But, I have honed the skill of radical self- awareness. I can now see the signs. I reflected on my past and realized my own “stuckness” was begging me to make space, to be brave and courageous enough to take a step back. To slow down. And to allow myself to feel, to heal, to see clearly and to decide what I needed in MY OWN LIFE to truly feel free.

And I found it.

I found my magic again.  And I couldn’t see it or feel it through the clutter of a busy (ugh, that word) life. I couldn’t see it through the forcing and the “shoulding” and the continuing to try to show up in a way that didn’t align to my core. That didn’t align with what I value most in all aspects of my life. FREEDOM. 

Then I got to work. 

What was missing from my life? What needed to go? What could I improve on and what was going well? What new habits did I need to practice that supported this freedom life?  When I cut out the noise around me, I was able to tap into my soul and ask myself all of the questions I had been avoiding, and then to answer them with truth and realness. The answers WERE the magic! 

The Other Side of HEAL with Shari

By creating space, I was able to feel.

By being stuck, I was able to heal.

By going deep, I was able to get real.

The pain of “stuckness” forced me to create space. Space guided me to connect to my core. The connection allowed me to find my magic again.

I realized what was missing, went out and found it, and I invited it into my life. Intentionally and deliberately.

I needed to be part of a team again.

I needed to feel the energy exchange only hands-on healing can provide.

I needed to reignite my passion for holistic skincare.

And so, I did.

The Magic and Freedom I have created in my life, being able to work from home as a Holistic Freedom Life Coach AND to work with an incredible team of hands-on healers at Province Apothecary as a Holistic Skincare Therapist is a dream. A dream I created for myself by creating space for the answers to arrive, and then to act in the direction of my dreams.

Magic, freedom and a life fulfilled are available to us all.

If you feel stuck, let me help you.

You can find me at Province Apothecary, Wednesdays, Thursdays + Sundays.

Love + freedom + glowing skin,

Shari xo

Hmmm kaaaayyyy, we’ve all heard this statement a few hundred times + it seems that everywhere we turn someone is telling us how ‘finishing the year strong’ is key for setting ourselves up for success in the new year. Whether you’re an entrepreneur hustling for a killer Q4; or someone who has put health as a priority + isn’t willing to let the Holiday Season Food Frenzy kill your groove, finishing the year strong is a way of finding completeness with the year. It’s about closure, the ultimate in Follow-Through, and about giving yourself something to REALLY celebrate on New Year’s Eve. I am not here to argue this perspective, but I am here to offer some perspective, because, well… LIFE.

As a relatively new solo-preneur, I have put much blood, sweat + tears into setting goals; employing strategies, re-visiting what worked + what didn’t + working hard at doing what I have to in order to ‘finish strong’ from quarter to quarter, month to month, week to week + day to day. I take workshops + courses, listen to podcasts, read books, engage in challenges, hire coaches + participate in support groups to keep my biz flowing in the direction of growth + to keep me in the game of finishing strong in all that I do.

I was on track to finish strong. I had the plans + the inspired motivation to execute a strong finish in 2018. I saw this as an awesome segue to a strong 2019. And then Life lifed.

When Life Throws You A Curve

My mom died + in the weeks I spent by her side during her graceful transition to her Spirit + Soul Life, I lost track of my goals + my plans + what I needed to do to achieve a strong finish to the year. My goal was to help my dying mother feel loved + feel safe + feel ready to let go. My goal was also to step up my mindful presence when it was most needed. To give myself permission to fully just Be where I wanted + needed to. I would never have the luxury of a do-over of this experience.

I detached from all things biz in the most responsible ways I could. I didn’t abandon my business, but my attention + energies did go in a different direction. One that I CHOSE for myself. I stepped away from my plan to finish strong in the final quarter of the business year + instead chose to SHOW UP strong for my mom in her final days of LIFE. And it taught me that we can plan + plan + plan our lives, but LIFE is gonna life + that is where the lessons lie.

A New Kind of Finishing Strong

You see, Beautiful Dreamers, in the re-jigging of my focus, my plans to finish the year strong took on a new look + my focus shifted in the most beautiful + self-honouring way.

  • instead of trying to be more visible in my biz, I gave myself permission to get quiet + to look inward to see what I truly needed to heal.
  • instead of filling my days with tasks, I gave myself space to lean into the grief + not try to bypass the healing process.
  • instead of telling those who asked how I was doing that I was ‘fine,’ I told them the truth. Sometimes it was, “I’m okay,” sometimes it was, “I’m really sad” + other times it was, “I’m pissed off at the world.” But I chose to NEVER say I was fine when I wasn’t, just for others’ sake.
  • instead of being the one to be there to support everyone + help them to rise, I allowed myself to lean on others, to ask for support + to practice the art of receiving, which is never an easy task for me, but I did it.
  • instead of ‘muscling through’ in true superhero fashion, I let myself feel ALL the feels associated with such a great loss. I did some deep inner work to release myself of the pain + guilt + old stories from my past. It got ugly but it felt like freedom.

A Shift in Thought

I think about my plans to finish strong this year + whatever that meant to me before my mom passed away has shape-shifted into something even more empowering + healing than numbers + dollars. I am finishing the year strong in a different way now. A way that feels much more powerful, much more in flow + much more aligned to how I want to feel in my life, always. As I set my intentions for 2019, I have the reminder that Life happens FOR US, not TO US + sometimes we have to re-define what that means for ourselves. But, regardless of the twists and turns life hands us, when we are true to what really matters to us, we will always finish strong.

With light, love + empowered action always,

Shari xo