Welcome back!

As my social media feed is bombarded with back-to-school photos of every kid on the planet, I can’t help but think that there is a “welcome back” in there for all of us.

September is New Year’s Eve’s little sister (and is secretly-not-so-secretly my favourite month) and no matter what age or chapter of life you are in, there’s the feeling of a fresh start, a shift, a “welcome back”.

Wait, for me too?

Yes, YOU! For those of you who don’t have kids but took some much-needed time this summer to chill, to have fun and to re-connect to all the good things that bring you joy, you are now ready to get back to some routine. For my fellow entrepreneurs who chose businesses that allowed you to slow things down when the weather is warmer, you are now gearing up to hit the ground running for a strong final quarter. And for those of us who needed the space and time this summer to work on ourselves, to heal, to realign and to find freedom where we felt stuck – welcome back.

Shift Into Glide

It’s not always easy to shift from that feeling of FREEDOM in the summer months to gliding back into your regular work groove, however, what I know to be true is that routines and rituals help. As a freedom finder and Life Coach, many of my clients struggle with anxiety and stickiness during this transition, so here’s a simple list of things that have helped them (and me) to Shift into Glide:

  1. Re-visit your goals and map out what you want to accomplish for yourself in the next four months. Write them down. Find out what support do you need to help you get there. Invest in it.
  2. Take some time to look at your weekly and monthly calendars. Set up work routines and tasks that are consistent and aligned with your goals. Block them in and begin to follow through like a boss. If the follow-through isn’t your jam, get an accountability partner/coach.
  3. Get back to into a regular sleep schedule that will consistently have you getting your eight hours a night, and have you feeling in control of your days. Pick a time that works for your life and stick to it.
  4. Get back to create morning and evening rituals that bookend your days with intention. Link them to how you want to feel, how you want to show up and how you want your days/weeks/months to look. For example, set daily intentions, give gratitude, create mantras, meditate, read, listen to podcasts, journal – find your own rituals and make them a habit by practicing them.
  5. Block-in time for consistent movement, mindfulness and self-care and COMMIT to it. Put these things into your calendar as non-negotiable. Taking care of yourself is a habit that is built by process, not event. It takes time. Don’t think you’ll follow through? Pair up with a friend and commit to each other.

Easing yourself back into simple, fun and meaningful routines and rituals can help you to shift into glide. It will help you cruise right into this new chapter, this new season, this new opportunity to show up and live your best life. If you’ve been feeling lost, disconnected and stuck with this transition, you’re not alone.

Meet yourself exactly where you are, with love, compassion, and patience, and take one step forward. Begin to create your own routines and rituals that get you out of bed, fire you up and inspire you to take steps forward in the direction of your dreams. I’m here if you need a loving and supportive stretch. WELCOME BACK.

Love and Freedom always,

Shari xo