I woke up today already feeling the lightness of Spring after attending a beautiful Goddess Circle lead by Catie Fenn. We honoured tonight’s Full Moon in Libra AND The Spring Equinox in a circle of sharing + support, clearing + welcoming and honouring the changes in ourselves that are ready to be brought UP + OUT into the world this Spring. The energy of Spring ain’t no small thing, My Dreamers!

Spring is a time of creating, cleansing, activity + movement, growth + renewal. It’s also a time to focus on releasing emotions that no longer serve us, specifically those rooted in anger, resentment, frustration, inability to forgive, lethargy + unfulfilled desires.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these emotions are connected to the Liver + gallbladder (they’re partners!)  The Energy of Spring, or Qi, begins to move in an Upward + Outward direction, much like the first tulips we see in early Spring after a long Winter underground.  And much like the barren trees of winter, we humans are ready to rise + to slough off the old + usher in a fresh, new experience of vibrant health, mental clarity + emotional well-being.

First Day of Spring & Full Supermoon in Libra

We are so blessed that the first day of Spring also joins forces with a Full Supermoon in Libra this year. The vibration of balance + peacemaking illuminates our intuitive powers in a powerful way. The beautiful, soothing + harmonious energy the moon brings us, along with the upward + outward vibes of Spring also bring forth exciting opportunities for love + money. Yes please!

Lean Into Nature + Stop Fighting the Current

If we allow ourselves to lean into the rhythms of Mother Nature instead of fighting the current, we can find ourselves in alignment in all areas of life. As a Holistic Life + Mindset Coach, I encourage my clients to lean into + flow more with nature + Mama Universe’s direction instead of trying to re-invent the wheel + living in a state of constant resistance. That is just plain exhausting! Going with the flow is so much easier + the beauty of your life will unfold in a way you never imagined possible. And you never have to do it alone. You’ve got this + I’ve got you!

5 Ways to Ride the Upward + Outward Vibes of Spring:

1. CLEANSE your body.

Eating foods that cleanse the liver + support the gallbladder are key to moving stagnant energy + emotions left over from the winter.

  • leafy greens i.e. dandelion
  • carrots + cucumbers
  • legumes + sea vegetables
  • green tea

2. CLEANSE your space.

De-cluttering your home + cleansing your space will remove that no longer serves you to make space for what will.

  • go through your closets, drawers + cupboards + Marie Kondo the heck outta them! Donate all items that you don’t use, don’t love or that don’t work to bring you joy.
  • clean out your fridge + freezer. Throw out expired condiments + old food items that no longer have the life-force energy you need this Spring. This creates space for seasonal foods that support the Upward + Outward Vibes of Spring.
  • cleanse your space energetically with a Sage Smudge or Palo Santo. Open all windows + go from room to room letting stagnant energy leave + to welcome fresh energy in.

3. Banish a bad habit. 

Pick one habit you would like to shift then commit to transforming it.

  • decide which new habit you’d like to adopt instead.
  • acknowledge what might get in the way of your success + remove roadblocks.
  • take small, consistent steps daily in alignment with the new habit.
  • be intentional + deliberate with your actions forward.
  • get support by way of an accountability partner or coach.

4. MOVEMENT. Simply said, get moving after a long winter of Netflix + Chilling.

Beginning to walk outside for 30 mins daily is a great way to start + can also fulfill Step #3 if you are consistent!

5. CREATE. Tapping into creativity is a total Upward + Outward vibe + you don’t have to be Picasso to nourish this.

As Liz Gilbert says,” if you are breathing, you are creative.” Creating things helps us to grow in interesting ways. Nourishing your creative side will align you with your superpowers if you allow. Keep it simple + do something that brings you joy.

  • Hello upward + outward + connection to nature vibes!
  • writing
  • painting, drawing or taking photos
  • trying new recipes

Equinox is a time of balance + so are Full Moons. Integrating + uniting opposites is the theme. We have entered a time of endings + new beginnings that are transformational. Wherever you are + whatever you are doing, Mama Universe is supporting you. And so am I.

With light, love + empowered action always,

Shari xo

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